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    • [해양 > 해양정책연구실]2016-12-01 19:54:16/ 조회수 3196
    • The Global Ocean Forum released its report on “Toward a Strategic Action Roadmap on Oceans and Climate: 2016 to 2021” The Roadmap is intended to provide a vision for action regarding oceans and climate in the next five years—with a sense of urgency in the spirit of the landmark Paris Agreement
    • The Global Ocean Forum released its report on “Toward a Strategic Action Roadmap on Oceans and Climate: 2016 to 2021” The Roadmap is intended to provide a vision for action regarding oceans and climate in the next five years—with a sense of urgency in the spirit of the landmark Paris Agreement. The Roadmap addresses six ocean and climate issue areas: regulating climate, mitigation, adaptation, displacement, financing, and capacity development. Read the report here: https://globaloceanforumdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/strategic-action-roadmap-on-oceans-and-climate-november-2016.pdf.

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