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    • [해양 > 해양정책연구실]2017-02-01 21:16:51/ 조회수 1346
    • Today, we did diving surveying at negombo fishery harbor
    • Today, we did diving surveying at negombo fishery harbor. Last year, Korea team investigated underwater waste using side scan sonar and lifting gear. Diving surveying is first trial at sri lanka. Korea engineers are number 1 on diving surveying and analytics skill with marine debris. Sri lanka participated MEPA(marine environmet protection agency), NARA( National Aquatic Researches and Resource Development Agency) and USJP(Univ. Sri jayewardenepura) at this surveying. So many tires were found fishery harbor. We will do diving surveying at coral reefs and wrecked ship on this friday.

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