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    • [해양 > 해양정책연구실]2017-02-09 14:53:31/ 조회수 1328
    • UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) launched the effectiveness of relevant international, regional and sub-regional governance strategies and approaches to combat marine plastic litter and microplastics
    • UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) launched the effectiveness of relevant international, regional and sub-regional governance strategies and approaches to combat marine plastic litter and microplastics. UNEA(United Nations Environment Assembly) had made decision '2 resolutions' about marine plastic litter and microplastics in 2014 yea and 2016 year separately. Requesting of UNEA, UNEP made 'Advisory Group for the UNEA-3 Assessment' to discuss about that on this year. The group consisted of 34 people and NGO. The Advisory Group will make and review UNEP'S report about marine plastic litter and microplastics. UNEP will submit the report on evaluation of governance strategies and approach to UNEA on this December. Here is attached KMI Monthly report with that.


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