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    • [해양 > 해양정책연구실]2016-12-08 16:31:01/ 조회수 2605
    • IMO Reginal work shop was held Jeju, Republic of Korea, 5-8 December 2016
    • IMO Reginal work shop was held Jeju, Republic of Korea, 5-8 December 2016. This international workshop aims to build capability marine debris and MARPOL of East Asian Seas Region. China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, SIngpore and other Asia 15 nation's public officers participated in this workshop. With marine debris, there were many presentations. Main subjects were Micro plastics, Korea's Policy, Marine litter activities by the NOWPAP, KMI International cooperation project, COBSEA Regional Action plan, Sources and impacts of marine litter, and so on. Participants showed an interests micro plastics and collection of seabed marine debris in korea. Next year will be hold international workshop on marine litter at Yeosu by supporting APEC. 28 Asia nations will be there. Marine debris is becoming now a worldwide hot topic.

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