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공공누리 [제 4유형] 출처 표시 필요, 사업적 이용 불가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

한국해양수산개발원 연구발간물 보호 저작물은 '공공누리' 출처 표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

해양오염대비 국가긴급계획 수립전략에 관한 연구 상세보기
해양오염대비 국가긴급계획 수립전략에 관한 연구
구분 기본1998-24 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 조동오

This research contains an analysis of oil spill accidents, oil response countermeasures of Korea, contingency planning manual on oil pollution(IMO), and national contingency plan of U.S.A, Japan and Australia. A basic strategy for establishing a national contingency plan of Korea is to follow guidelines recommended by IMO, to refer to national contingency plans of each country, and to organize a taskforce consisting of experts on oil response.

A national contingency plan of Korea suggested in this research is as follows:

 1. Introduction : Purpose, Authority, Scope, Definition etc. 

 2. Responsibility and Organization for Response : National Response System, National Response Priorities and Sensitive Areas, On-Scene Commander`s Duty and Responsibility, Notifications etc.

 3. Preparedness and Planning : Planning and Co-ordination Structure, International Assistance, Training, Maintenance of Equipment etc. 

 4. Response : Pattern of Response, Specialist Teams, Safety and Health, Development of Oil Response Technique, Movement of Equipment etc. 

 5. Communications : Communications systems, Post-incident review etc.

기본연구 상세보기
해양오염대비 국가긴급계획 수립전략에 관한 연구
구분 기본1998-24 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 조동오

This research contains an analysis of oil spill accidents, oil response countermeasures of Korea, contingency planning manual on oil pollution(IMO), and national contingency plan of U.S.A, Japan and Australia. A basic strategy for establishing a national contingency plan of Korea is to follow guidelines recommended by IMO, to refer to national contingency plans of each country, and to organize a taskforce consisting of experts on oil response.

A national contingency plan of Korea suggested in this research is as follows:

 1. Introduction : Purpose, Authority, Scope, Definition etc. 

 2. Responsibility and Organization for Response : National Response System, National Response Priorities and Sensitive Areas, On-Scene Commander`s Duty and Responsibility, Notifications etc.

 3. Preparedness and Planning : Planning and Co-ordination Structure, International Assistance, Training, Maintenance of Equipment etc. 

 4. Response : Pattern of Response, Specialist Teams, Safety and Health, Development of Oil Response Technique, Movement of Equipment etc. 

 5. Communications : Communications systems, Post-incident review etc.

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