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공공누리 [제 4유형] 출처 표시 필요, 사업적 이용 불가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

한국해양수산개발원 연구발간물 보호 저작물은 '공공누리' 출처 표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

수산물 유통관련 기금운영의 개선방안 상세보기
수산물 유통관련 기금운영의 개선방안
구분 기본1998-09 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 박성쾌

This paper seeks to point out several problems in operating the fund established for price stabilization of agricultural and fishery product and to suggest some possible improvements corresponding to them, especially focused on the field of fishery products. Revealed problems are as followings: annual accumulating deficit of fund in operating of the buffer stock, rigidity in operation of MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) because of lack of right in law and so on. Some possible improvement plans are also suggested and examined. 1) Strengthening the linkage to import and price policies, 2) Inducing to expand private-sector stock, and 3) Examining other price policy methods that may be more efficient for government to minimize market intervention are suggested.

Also in establishing the independent fund for price stabilization and marketing structure improvement only for the fishery sector, problems to be solved in advance are provided like legislation, funding, etc. In conclusion, there is no doubt that deficit problem must be solved in any case especially if an independent fund for fisheries marketing and price policy is planned. In establishing the independent fund, a form of fund for supporting all the fishery policy is highly recommended. If legislation is needed, the purposes of the fund in law should be revealed clearly in that they are not only for production-inducing policy but are harmonized to other targets of fishery policy and high-level government finance system.

기본연구 상세보기
수산물 유통관련 기금운영의 개선방안
구분 기본1998-09 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 박성쾌

This paper seeks to point out several problems in operating the fund established for price stabilization of agricultural and fishery product and to suggest some possible improvements corresponding to them, especially focused on the field of fishery products. Revealed problems are as followings: annual accumulating deficit of fund in operating of the buffer stock, rigidity in operation of MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) because of lack of right in law and so on. Some possible improvement plans are also suggested and examined. 1) Strengthening the linkage to import and price policies, 2) Inducing to expand private-sector stock, and 3) Examining other price policy methods that may be more efficient for government to minimize market intervention are suggested.

Also in establishing the independent fund for price stabilization and marketing structure improvement only for the fishery sector, problems to be solved in advance are provided like legislation, funding, etc. In conclusion, there is no doubt that deficit problem must be solved in any case especially if an independent fund for fisheries marketing and price policy is planned. In establishing the independent fund, a form of fund for supporting all the fishery policy is highly recommended. If legislation is needed, the purposes of the fund in law should be revealed clearly in that they are not only for production-inducing policy but are harmonized to other targets of fishery policy and high-level government finance system.

이전글 동아시아 주요국의 수출 컨테이너화물 물류비 비교분석
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