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공공누리 [제 4유형] 출처 표시 필요, 사업적 이용 불가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

한국해양수산개발원 연구발간물 보호 저작물은 '공공누리' 출처 표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

해상안전 행정체제 비교 연구 상세보기
해상안전 행정체제 비교 연구
구분 기본1998-02 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 조동오

This paper seeks to point out several problems in the Korean maritime safety administration and to suggest some possible improvements corresponding to them. Our research method was comparative study on safety administration system and function of the major shipping countries. Maritime safety administration consists of the prevention function and the response function. Generally in most countries, one public body implements both the prevention and response function. In Korea, after the establishment of MOMAF, however, the above two functions were merged into MOMAF externally. However they are not combined completely because Korea Marine Police Authority implements the response function and MOMAF implements the prevention function as before. Nowdays, maritime accidents are caused to the factor of seamen`s quality and ship`s management system rather than that of the safety of hull construction and facilities. The risks of maritime accidents are higher in harbour than in ocean. Besides, new needs have occured in maritime safety administration, such as VTS, ISM Code, PSC, leisure activities at sea. In this circumstances, we suggest some possible improvements of maritime safety administration in Korea.

 1.Functional-oriented administration for maritime safety: After establishing MOMAF, we can find that the function of prevention, response, accidents inquiry, etc., are not combined effectively, and the functions are implemented separately and ineffectively. It is necessary to reorganize the functions of maritime safety. 

 2.Strengthening of port safety Policies: In most Korean ports, investments in facilities for vessel traffic services have been continuously done and this system will be completed in all the ports in near future. However, the experts for the vessel traffic services are not sufficient. Therefore, it is required to equip the facilities and to recruit personnel sufficient for the control of the maritime traffic order. First of all, it is urgently required to introduce Harbour Master System together with construction of facilities for vessel traffic services for the maritime safety. Overall assessment of safety of ports carries much more weight when implemented while constructing the ports. 

 3. Education and trainning experts of maritime safety : It is necessary to establish an education and trainning system of experts on VTS, PSC, handling hazardous substance, traffic control.

 4. Inducement of participation of private sectors: Due to sturdiness of maritime safety administration, personnel and budget, the dead ground of maritime safety occurs. There is a certain limit in the activities of public sector. It is necessary to expand the private sector in maritime safety.

기본연구 상세보기
해상안전 행정체제 비교 연구
구분 기본1998-02 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 조동오

This paper seeks to point out several problems in the Korean maritime safety administration and to suggest some possible improvements corresponding to them. Our research method was comparative study on safety administration system and function of the major shipping countries. Maritime safety administration consists of the prevention function and the response function. Generally in most countries, one public body implements both the prevention and response function. In Korea, after the establishment of MOMAF, however, the above two functions were merged into MOMAF externally. However they are not combined completely because Korea Marine Police Authority implements the response function and MOMAF implements the prevention function as before. Nowdays, maritime accidents are caused to the factor of seamen`s quality and ship`s management system rather than that of the safety of hull construction and facilities. The risks of maritime accidents are higher in harbour than in ocean. Besides, new needs have occured in maritime safety administration, such as VTS, ISM Code, PSC, leisure activities at sea. In this circumstances, we suggest some possible improvements of maritime safety administration in Korea.

 1.Functional-oriented administration for maritime safety: After establishing MOMAF, we can find that the function of prevention, response, accidents inquiry, etc., are not combined effectively, and the functions are implemented separately and ineffectively. It is necessary to reorganize the functions of maritime safety. 

 2.Strengthening of port safety Policies: In most Korean ports, investments in facilities for vessel traffic services have been continuously done and this system will be completed in all the ports in near future. However, the experts for the vessel traffic services are not sufficient. Therefore, it is required to equip the facilities and to recruit personnel sufficient for the control of the maritime traffic order. First of all, it is urgently required to introduce Harbour Master System together with construction of facilities for vessel traffic services for the maritime safety. Overall assessment of safety of ports carries much more weight when implemented while constructing the ports. 

 3. Education and trainning experts of maritime safety : It is necessary to establish an education and trainning system of experts on VTS, PSC, handling hazardous substance, traffic control.

 4. Inducement of participation of private sectors: Due to sturdiness of maritime safety administration, personnel and budget, the dead ground of maritime safety occurs. There is a certain limit in the activities of public sector. It is necessary to expand the private sector in maritime safety.

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