

Impacts of Climate Change on the Oceans
  • Author(s) Paik Jin-hyun and Hyun Dae-song
  • Date of issue -
  • Report No.
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  • Abstract


    Climate Change in an Ocean and Law of the Sea context / Valentina Germani

    Climate Engineering between the demands of climate protection and those of the law of the sea / Rüdiger Wolfrum

    Conservation and Sustainable use of high Seas Biodiversity: Steps towards global agreement / Robin Warner

    Marine Scientific research and geoengineering / Karen N. Scott

    Contested coastlines and Rising seas: Impacts and options in response to sea level rise / Clive Schofield

    Carbon Emissions from the world's merchant fleet: Fuel economy standards, market-based measures, and other policy proposals to reduce carbon emissions / Bryan C. Wood-Thomas

    Climate change and international shipping: Contribution, regulation and reduction / Yubing Shi, Warwick Gullett

    an Entrepreneurial role for law in addressing ocean warming and acidification / Anastasia Telesetsky

    Climate change and Fisheries regulation: What we should consider for the future? / Keyuan Zou

    Commission on the limits of the continental shelf and shelf beyond 200 nautical miles: A new ocean regime for the benefit of states / Larry Awosika

    A review of the capacity building efforts undertaken jointly by doalos and the clcs for the preparation of submissions under the provisions of article 76 of and Annex II to UNCLOS / Galo Carrera

    * This Monograph's content is currently not provided. (currently on sale via online & offline)

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