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공공누리 [제 4유형] 출처 표시 필요, 사업적 이용 불가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

한국해양수산개발원 연구발간물 보호 저작물은 '공공누리' 출처 표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

국내 해양관광의 실태분석 및 발전방안 연구 상세보기
국내 해양관광의 실태분석 및 발전방안 연구
구분 기본1998-21 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 황기형
Coastal and marine tourism in Korea had long been considered to be weak relative to the country`s abundant resource potential. In recent years, however, much evidence suggests that marine tourism and recreational activities have reapidly increased due mainly to the secular growth in personal disposable income. To ensure sustainable marine and coastal tourism, proper management of coastal resources and the environment is essential. It is widely recognized that marine tourism and recreational activities are highly dependent upon the marine environment. This study attempts to provide the policy options for the sutainable marine tourism development in Korea, based on the analyses of endowment in marine tourism resources and of activities of marine tourism and recreations.
기본연구 상세보기
국내 해양관광의 실태분석 및 발전방안 연구
구분 기본1998-21 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 황기형
Coastal and marine tourism in Korea had long been considered to be weak relative to the country`s abundant resource potential. In recent years, however, much evidence suggests that marine tourism and recreational activities have reapidly increased due mainly to the secular growth in personal disposable income. To ensure sustainable marine and coastal tourism, proper management of coastal resources and the environment is essential. It is widely recognized that marine tourism and recreational activities are highly dependent upon the marine environment. This study attempts to provide the policy options for the sutainable marine tourism development in Korea, based on the analyses of endowment in marine tourism resources and of activities of marine tourism and recreations.
이전글 어촌친수공간 개발에 관한 연구
다음글 영어조합법인의 발전방향 연구