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공공누리 [제 4유형] 출처 표시 필요, 사업적 이용 불가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

한국해양수산개발원 연구발간물 보호 저작물은 '공공누리' 출처 표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

외항해운산업의 부가가치 분석 및 제고방안 상세보기
외항해운산업의 부가가치 분석 및 제고방안
구분 기본1998-06 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 강종희

This study discussed the relationship between national shipping policy and the value-added of the Korean shipping industry. It is argued that the national shipping policy, due to relatively low value-added of the shipping industry in Korea, has always failed to take priority to other national industry policies. The study offers a set of evidences for this argument by showing that the shipping industry has been undergoing more sufferings than other industries since the IMF program was implemented in Korea.

For this reason, the study focused on analysing the factors affecting the value-added of the Korean shipping industry in order to devise proper measures for improving its value-added. The result of the analysis shows that capacity of the Korean fleet, shipping revenue, and equity capital are the main determining factors of the industry`s value-added. With this result, the study considers a number of measures to improve the value-added of the Korean shipping industry.

기본연구 상세보기
외항해운산업의 부가가치 분석 및 제고방안
구분 기본1998-06 발간일 1998-12-01
공공누리 제 4유형 연구책임자 강종희

This study discussed the relationship between national shipping policy and the value-added of the Korean shipping industry. It is argued that the national shipping policy, due to relatively low value-added of the shipping industry in Korea, has always failed to take priority to other national industry policies. The study offers a set of evidences for this argument by showing that the shipping industry has been undergoing more sufferings than other industries since the IMF program was implemented in Korea.

For this reason, the study focused on analysing the factors affecting the value-added of the Korean shipping industry in order to devise proper measures for improving its value-added. The result of the analysis shows that capacity of the Korean fleet, shipping revenue, and equity capital are the main determining factors of the industry`s value-added. With this result, the study considers a number of measures to improve the value-added of the Korean shipping industry.

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